An unforgetable experience is under way…
The Farm

Το πολυλειτουργικό αγρόκτημα που σου δίνει την ευκαιρία να αλληλεπιδράσεις με τη φύση, να γνωριστείς με τα ζώα και να εκπαιδευτείς στην παραγωγή κηπευτικών προϊόντων.


Με αυθεντικές συνταγές από τον πόντο ετοιμάζει καθημερινά γευστικά προϊόντα. Περέκ, Ιβριστόν είναι τώρα έτοιμα να βρεθούν στην πόρτα σου!

Σε συνεργασία με παραγωγούς από όλη την Ελλάδα, σου προσφέρει αγνά ελληνικά προϊόντα.


Ilias Meletlidis, Founder of imFarms wants to offer a holistic unforgetable experience, promoting nature sustainability and regenaration, and based on the lessons learn both from tradition and technology.

The Farm

Based on strategic location, with best possible infrastructure for production, we currently building a farm that will be multi-purpose and multi-service driven.
The farm is located near the village Kalochori, at Serres Perfecture, Greece.

Visitors, will see various production phases in real-time. Educational sessions will be carried out if there is such demand.

Based on the vision, we create the infrastructure to host and organise cultural, atheltic and social activities and interactions that will lead to higher bonding between humans and humams to nature. We plan to be a must-stop location to everyone who seeks unity with other human beings and nature.

We also plan to have a R&D (Research and Development) section. Some of the results will provide feedback for the continious development of the Farm. Also all the results will be shared under open licences so as to serve as a base for further research by universities, pocily makers and every other interested institution or person. Main target sectors include: Agriculture, Energy, Technology, Construction, Health.


The Production Facilities

In our little production facility, which is fully equipped and in full service, we currently produce our local traditional pontic products.

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